Easy Tips to stay healthy during the Holidays

Every Holiday I have a little eating anxiety. Meaning my body HATES anything that isn’t super clean and healthy for you. It’s a blessing most days but during the Holidays it can be a pain….

I have a few favorite holiday treats I love to enjoy See’s Candy. Its a holiday favorite at our house. Along with baked goods and fun meals out. You can go crazy with hectic shopping, parties and schedules that don’t allow for much time to plan anything healthy. This can go on for a few weeks!

Here are a few easy Tips for you to add a bit of healthy to your holiday fun:

  1. Get enough sleep so you can focus on your health while you are busy.
  2. Pick up small plates to enjoy fun foods while celebrating. Portion control is key to feeling your best.
  3. Drink responsibly! My new favorite holiday drink is sparkling water with cranberries. Drinks add lots of extra sugar!
  4. Eat more vegetable side dishes than the main course. Lots of crunch will satisfy your fun.
  5. Drink a full glass of water between dinner and dessert. This helps your tummy say enough with the desserts. Stay hydrated.
  6. Don’t eat/drink super late. Your big holiday meals and treats will keep you up at night.
  7. MOVE each day! Get your heart rate up when you move so your body gets rid of some of the calories the night before.

Cheers to a healthy happy memorable Holiday with friends and family.