Hug Your Hips
Alki Active Compression Series Hip Huggers gently but firmly hug your hips, providing compression to support muscles and joints, while also providing support to your back and abdomen, reducing hip pain and promoting movement.
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Max Support
Made with four panels of a Spandex-Nylon blend compression fabric specially designed for activewear that provides maximum support while remaining soft and comfortable.
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Hip Stability
Made for women with hip pain, by a woman with hip pain, to give you extra support for workouts, hiking, running, paddle boarding, gardening, and standing long hours. Slips on over your leggings and under your shirt to create a sleek look.
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Back mesh pocket fits your phone, key fob, money, safely and securely so you can concentrate on the medicine of movement. Movement is key in staying healthy, and a BIG warm hug to your hips and core promotes movement.
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Got Hip Pain? 🤩 My very soft compression band called the Hip Hugger will give you a nice warm hug. So you can move without pain. 💪🏼 #amazonseller #entrepreneur #hippain...
Giving as much as I can this year to my health. I want to climb stairs and mountains wearing my Hip Hugger💪🏼❤️#tornlabrum #hippain #hiphealth #movementismedicine #wearyourhiphugger...
Happy Monday 😉 Time to do a 40 hour fast 💪🏼 I’ve gained weight and I need to heal my body after a stressful year. 2025 is a year of healing, joy and adventure. Let’s do this ❤️#fastingforweightloss #fastingforhealth...
Happy last Monday of 2024. 🤩 What a year it’s been. I’d say this is the perfect photo to describe me a year ago. All happy and excited for big changes. Ready for a big uphill climb of unknowns. It was a HUGE CLIMB and full of stress, fear and fun.
2024 was our 5th year in business selling Hip Huggers to women all over the US.
We had two big challenges this year. #1 Manufacturing in the USA #2 Marketing once we got manufacturing down
I’ve sewn for 5 years and I loved it. Getting in front of the camera and selling takes lots of practice and doing it daily!
Manufacturing in LA was a dream of mine since we started and this feat will go down in my books as HUGE for me personally and professionally.
Next year’s goals? More of the above and lots of joy!
Thank you 2024 for pushing us to the next level in business. 💪🏼✔️🙌
My goal is to reach as many women with Hip Pain to help them move. #movementismedicine #entrepreneur #womanownedbusiness #manufacturinginusa...