I love Blue Zones

Have you read this book? I am so thankful for this book and it’s message. I whole heartedly believe in this lifestyle. I took the true vitality test. My results were good and I feel happy! I could live to a 100 with a little more red wine intake (I don’t drink much), get a little more social and eat more whole grains. My body doesn’t like much right now. So I steer clear of rice and breads most days.

As we age I personally find that the body tells your story more loudly each decade. I am over 50 and it’s been quite loud on telling me to cut my sugar and all dairy plus eggs down to nothing. Research is finding dairy to be not as good for you as when I was raising our kids and milk would do a body good. Dairy does my body NO good at all.

The Blue Zone explains how important it is to live a healthy happy lifestyle and gives you so many examples of this lifestyle. I was born in one of the Blue Zones, Santa Barbara. It’s my favorite place to enjoy the sun and the beach. You can walk all day and enjoy the people, the views and have a great healthy meal at any restaurant or a picnic on the beach.

There are so many reasons to give the Blue Zone a read and follow up on their website with their courses and their recipes. Take the test to learn your score and how you can improve your lifestyle. I had really good scores, YA!

I copied their website bullets on why living a healthy lifestyle is so important:

  • Feel and look better
  • Increased energy
  • Sleep better
  • Find and stay at your ideal weight
  • Dramatically decrease stress
  • Live a happier lifestyle

Here is the link to the Blue Zone Book