Happy Thursday 🙌 Spring time walk 🏃🏼‍♀️🌧️🌦️🌈☀️#springtimeinthenorthwest #movementismedicine ...

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A little about me…
My Grammy has always been my role model for lifestyle, happiness and health. I grew up idolizing my Grammy. She was so fun and beautiful. My Grammy loved the outdoors! We would visit her and my Grampy at their cabin near Yosemite and in Morro Bay every year. She hiked, golfed, skied and swam. Her favorite snack when I stayed with her was canned peaches and cottage cheese (I ate a lot of it). There was always music and dancing. She tapped danced into her 90’s and walked 5 miles a day. She and my grampy had a long wonderful marriage that we always aspire to have. I miss her zest for life!

I’m sharing a series of me. Brought to you by my Hip Hugger. Thank goodness for my hip hugger, I’m able to do so much and take good care of myself by moving daily so I can enjoy what I love most. ❤️🤗

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Happy Monday 🤩 Coffee is my favorite ☕️ A few of my favorite places ❤️ Santa Barbara gluten free pastry and espresso, Philz Coffee in California, Woods Coffee by our boat and my favorite Joffrey’s Coffee at Disney ☕️❤️ ...

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A little about me…
I love to cook! I could cook all day long. Soups, casseroles, roasts and more. My cooking has evolved over the years with my food allergies. I’m more creative and healthier now.

My favorite thing to cook is anything for my family. I love cooking with them too. Sharing recipes and enjoying new ones with everyone. My galley on the boat has a great gas stove I enjoy every weekend.

Nothing beats a fun time in the kitchen with my grandkids!

Thankful for my Hip Hugger. Cooking takes lots of standing all day 💪🏼

I’m sharing a series of me. Brought to you by my Hip Hugger. Thank goodness for my hip hugger, I’m able to do so much and take good care of myself by moving daily so I can enjoy what I love most. ❤️🤗


I’m sharing a series of me. Brought to you by my Hip Hugger. Thank goodness for my hip hugger, I’m able to do so much and take good care of myself by moving daily so I can enjoy what I love most.

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A little about me…
Be adventurous when you can.
From boating to motorcycles we have enjoyed some fun adventures over the years. From Paddle boarding to mountain hikes with family is my happiness. What’s yours?

I’m sharing a series of me. Brought to you by my Hip Hugger. Thank goodness for my hip hugger, I’m able to do so much and take good care of myself by moving daily so I can enjoy what I love most. ❤️🤗


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A little about me… Let’s walk 💪🏼

We created the hip hugger so I can enjoy walking daily. I walk 2-3 miles a day. I love to walk for my health. I listen to music or a podcast in all sorts of weather.
I have met so many nice neighbors who also walk daily.
It’s now in my DNA where I can’t stop. I walk and hike with my family too. It’s good for my hips, my heart, my digestion and it’s good for my mood.
My happiness 🏃🏼‍♀️❤️ #walking

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A series about me…
I’m a Disney girlie
I enjoyed many trips to Disneyland as a kid. My grandparents took us every summer.
Now I get to take my family as often as I can. We have enjoyed Disneyland and Disney World.
Watching our grandkids each time conquering their fears and enjoying the days with music, rides and yummy allergy friendly foods is a real joy of mine.
It’s truly a magical experience sprinkled with lots of pixie dust moments.

I’m sharing a series of me. Brought to you by my Hip Hugger. Thank goodness for my hip hugger, I’m able to do so much and take good care of myself by moving daily so I can enjoy what I love most. ❤️🤗


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A little about me…

Tracy and I own Alki Active
We started dating in 1979
Married in 1981, Solvang Ca
Have two beautiful kids
4 amazing bright special grandkids
Live near Seattle for over 30 years
We are Airbnb Super hosts for 8 years
Created a few businesses over the years
Enjoy being with our family
Love boating in the beautiful San Juans

I’m sharing a series of me. Brought to you by my Hip Hugger. Thank goodness for my hip hugger, I’m able to do so much, and take good care of myself by moving daily so I can enjoy what I love most.


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Happy March everyone 🤗 My Hip Hugger 🤗
#hippain #wearyourhiphugger

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It’s Friday 🙌 Let’s Dance 💃 #movementismedicine ...

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Happy Thursday 🎉 5 ⭐️ review 🥳
#hippain #wearyourhiphugger

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Hip Hugger Happiness ❤️💪🏼❤️
#wearyourhiphugger #hiphealth

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Happy Monday 🤩 It’s going to be a great day 🥰 Let’s go! ...

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Happy Friday ☀️ A weekend without rain is pure happiness 🥳 Enjoy! #myhappyplace ...

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Sun! ☀️ I’ve missed you so much! Happy Thursday and I’m so ready for Spring. 🌸 ...

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Happy Tuesday ❤️ I thought I’d share my favorite video. When my grandkids were young. My oldest will be 15 this year. #myhappiness❤️ #grandkidsarethebest❤️#whyidowhatido ...

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