I make this recipe all the time to brighten up a meal. It’s easy and coleslaw is great as a side dish or a topping for tacos, hot dogs, sandwiches and fish. Add a little pickled onion on top and it’s a bright colorful tasty dish. Recipe: 1 half head of Green cabbage – sliced thinly 1 half head of …
My love of cashews
Who doesn’t love cashews? My memories of cashews go way back when I was a small girl in Santa Barbara visiting Sears and Roebuck. They use to have a candy/nuts counter. My mom would buy my brother and me a bag of warm cashews and a bag of swedish fish. She got to shop and we got to munch. Now …
Nourish your body during stressful times
Keep your body in good working order during stressful times. Feed it well, sleep well and move as often as you can. If at all nourish your body with good healthy foods. I love to enjoy a colorful plate fun of healthy yummy foods each day. Stock up on nutritional packed foods. A can of garbanzo beans can be used …
My go-to Protein Shake
I have enjoyed many protein shakes over the years, green, yellow, blue and white. Added fun protein powders, fruits, veggies and lots of milks and juices. I recently tried a protein shake while walking State Street in Santa Barbara and fell in love with a peanut butter version. That day they asked if I wanted to add chocolate, but that …
Pinterest is my happy place
Many of my healthy happy recipes come from Pinterest. Lots of inspiration from so many wonderful foodies. I love to get an idea for a meal and then search for ideas on Pinterest. Then I tweak or add ingredients from multiple pins that I collect to create my own fun recipes. It can suck lots of my time if I …
My favorite weekend waffle
I am gluten, dairy and egg free. It’s super hard to create a fun waffle that actually has great texture and has healthy ingredients. Plus doesn’t take too much time preparing! One of my favorite allergy friendly brands is Enjoy Life. They do one heck of a great job in creating fun foods for me and others with so many …
Kids and cooking
Get your kids in the kitchen early and teach them basic skills to cook. So many fun ways to teach them basic math skills and nutrition. Getting them comfortable in a kitchen with easy ingredients is key. I believe I taught our kids pudding first so they could enjoy creating a fun treat and seeing how adding just a few …
Dinner outdoors
My favorite time of year in the Northwest is Summer. It’s just so beautiful outside! Between the bright green leaves, the blue sky and the very long days, there is just no place like home. We spend many evenings outside with twinkling lights, wine, music and sometimes fun shows on Netflix. Here is an easy meal I created for a …
Cooking with family
I love to cook. It’s a passion of mine and it started with my love for cooking shows with my dad years ago. The Galloping Gourmet and Julia Child made me love the kitchen and the beautiful plates of fun foods. My love for cooking helped me get through a lot of tough years when I found out I couldn’t …
Create healthy happy meals
What if you stepped into your kitchen and created a meal that tastes so good and actually looked like you ordered it at a restaurant? Its actually quite simple. The secret is buying colorful vegetable and adding herbs to your dishes. My favorite way of cooking is taking a few fun ingredients that helps fuel my body, tastes good and …